I am writing you this note to tell you what a great job Judy did for us on finding our new home! I know she had other clients she was supporting but it always felt that she was always there for us! She had to deal with the normal differences of opinion between a husband and wife and our two young kids. She always did it with a smile.
We are two executives which were being relocated from Seattle with two young kids. It was very important to us that the kids be part of the process as this was a major disruption to their lives. Judy went out of here way to include the kids. She must have toured us through over a 100 homes from Gilbert to Mesa to Fountain Hills and many parts of Scottsdale. On many of these visits the kids and I would fly down from Seattle to Phoenix to tour homes, my wife was already living in a hotel in Phoenix area while I watched kids finish up school in Seattle and got our home ready to sell in Seattle. During these weekend visits we would start at 8am and end at 8 pm, these were long days but Judy made it fun for everyone. While I was not in Phoenix, Judy talked with me by phone in Seattle and toured Kim around while we were not there.
With our kids it was important we select a home and get moved in by third week of June, we did not want to be looking for a home with kids while we were staying at a hotel. We wanted them to have a home with the focus being on finding new friends for them, not a home. Judy spent countless hours helping us find a home, but in addition she went above and beyond once we selected the home we wanted to make an offer on. The agent for the sellers was, let's say it nicely, a butt (I could think of other words to describe her). She wouldn't return calls, wrote nasty emails, was rude and tried to manipulate the smallest issues, all of which was slowly down our process to get into a home. It started with trying to make an offer and didn't end until after we were in house. I won't go into details but if it were not for Judy's efforts we would not have purchased the home we wanted and we would have been living in a hotel trying to find a home instead of finding friends for our kids.
She helped us in so many ways. A list of contractors to contact if we needed anything done on home, to letting contractors into on home so they could add new flooring, etc done before we moved in. After doing all of that she gave us wonderful house warming gifts and a list of places to go and see. She should have received the full sellers agent commission in addition to hers, she did all the work.
To summarize we were so thankful for her support during this challenging time for our family. She handle all the difficult aspects for us and was always there to support us. If all employees of your agency are of Judy's caliber, you truly are lucky. She is the type of person you should take care of and it will pay you back with enhanced reputation in market place and in your bottom line. Business is done on relationships and she understands this. She was truly remarkable and I will personally highly recommend her to anyone considering making a move in real estate in your region.
Kim and Dan